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TeamViewer for Windows


TeamViewer full version -  for Windows

Teamviewer: Free Remote Desktop Connection Software

Having grown up with an interest in computers, I am often called upon by friends and family members when something goes wrong.  In the past my only option was to go over to their house or have them bring their computer to me unless I was willing to spend money on a remote desktop program. If you’re not familiar with that term, a remote desktop program is basically a piece of software that allows one user to control a computer remotely across the internet.
There have been remote desktop programs available for a while now, but all of the good ones cost quite a bit of money; money I didn’t to spend when I was just helping someone out for free.
Well, now there is an excellent free (for non-commercial use) remote desktop program that is extremely robust and even has an iPhone and Android app.  I can’t say enough good things about this great program that runs on Windows, Mac and even Linux.
You can set up your own home computer so that you can control it from any other computer on the internet and, of course, you can direct someone to download a simple file that doesn’t even need to be installed on their computer; they just have to run it and give you the ID and password that it creates for them.
There are also some other nifty features, such as using the file transfer interface, which basically works like an ftp transfer between two computers.  You can host and join meetings (just like other paid services, such as Go To Meeting) and, if you wanted to go with their paid version, you can even customize the interface and insert your company’s logo.
Check out their website here

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